Three Guys in Three Cities

Knock Me Up at Seven

Three Guys in Three Cities

Josh and Allan rekindle their podcasting with "bloodies" and Christmas Ales.

*Insert AI dialogue here*
Did you grow up mispronouncing words because of your parents' accents? Do you find children’s TV shows like Bluey fascinating in their influence on language development? We do too! In this episode, we share our personal anecdotes about our Irish accents, how they’ve influenced our speech, and how programs such as Bluey shape our children's language. We also navigate the world of GPS navigation apps, sharing the good, the bad, and the downright confusing from our personal experiences. Don't miss out on this fun-filled episode that blends laughter, insights, and some fascinating discussions on how media and technology shape our language and communication.

Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram): Andy loves his family more than us.

Josh (
@joshflagner on Instagram): It's not a bloody.

Allan (
@allanfee on Instagram): Allan's mom got knocked up at the Frasier Arms.

Follow the show at @3guys3cities on
Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!

Follow Andy (@holtgreive on Instagram), Josh (@joshflagner on Instagram), and Allan (@allanfee on Instagram) for more cheers and beers!

Follow the show at @3guys3cities on
Insta, Twitter, AND Facebook!


We are back with the 3 guys and 3 cities podcast. Josh, is that really you?


This is really me, Fee. How are you?


Doing really well. Andy is on hiatus this week. He's prioritized his family once again over this podcast. So basically we're 2 guys in 2 cities With a city to be named. Andy will be back with us next time we're reestablishing our podcast and getting back into action here.


Yeah, andy said he was traveling and we needed to test drive all this equipment again and get things moving a little bit.


Yeah, we did and, of course, as we go live, here are we live to our audience right now and video.


We are. So this will be a video podcast up on our YouTube channel, so we will have our normal podcast URL. That channel is back up and running. We'll be video on YouTube, so we'll have a little television show and we are not live this show, but we'll be broadcasting live on YouTube in the future.


Alright. So we are recording this on Thanksgiving Eve 2023, the busiest bar night of the year. We record this a little after 6 o'clock West Coast time and after 9 o'clock Cleveland, ohio time. Right after this, it's off to the busiest bar night. Tomorrow it's football and turkey, and all that. But good to have you back, my friend. It's been a while since we've done the podcast. We've had a lot happening over the last several months. As we reconvened, we missed doing the podcast and we had a lot of people say you know what you guys got to bring this podcast back.


So I didn't have anybody say that to me.


Well we did. Well, you know that our one main listener. We have Ray and Gary and Wayne. They are regular listeners to the podcast. Andy has family that listens just to see if he's going to talk about them or release a new song or come up with some kind of song lyric that might be a hint to another album. And then after that it's been a free for all. We get some hits. You know we definitely get some reaction on Insta and we're growing this thing. You know it's one listener at a time to this podcast. You got a lot of choices out there with podcasts. You've got the really good ones, you've got the moderate ones, you've got ones that have good information on them and then there's us. So you have a lot of choices.


I tell you what I listen to a lot of podcasts almost exclusively now, which I'm sure kind of bums you out because you're back to being a radio guy.


Yeah, well, you know it's kind of crazy. I've had to attack this a little bit differently. I'm back in my hometown. I'm on north of Seattle, in my hometown of Bellingham, washington, and I now host two radio programs One on Cafe 104.1, which is basically a pop station, and we do the morning show there 5.30 to 10, it's Dave Allen and Patrice. Long time co-worker Dave and Patrice is new to the mix and just fantastic. Chemistry on that show is just so much fun. And then I come back on our sister station in the afternoon and do three to six afternoon drive. It's a full on three hour sports show, three to six west coast time On the flagship of Seahawks, mariners, kraken, huskies. We do a lot and of course a lot of high school sports and so forth. So lots to get to. I'm literally just now off the air after a three hour sports show this afternoon, just minutes ago, and then this morning did the morning show before Thanksgiving. So yeah, and here I am. It just made sense to add a podcast into the mix tonight.


Yeah, you know, mr Hard Worker Allen V. He did a morning show and then he did an after you know, a drive time sports show. And you forgot to mention the six pack of beers in the middle.


Well, you know what? That didn't happen. We went with the Bloody Marys today. It's a seasonal thing, it's a little chilly out here today.


Bloody Marys, is it seasonal?


Well, it's somewhat. I mean, sometimes you get nice and spicy. It warms you, you know it just gives you that little extra. I mean, you don't really want to do a bloody in the middle of summer, Right? I mean, imagine sitting there in the humidity of Cleveland Ohio and having a bloody at four in the afternoon, I don't know, it doesn't make sense.


I don't know that I would ever just call it a bloody. I don't think that I'd be like, hey, let's go have a bloody, I'm not down there. Well you know, again.


You can't call it a BM you can't call it a BM Right, you can't call it a BM see. You know, just a bloody grab, a couple of Bloody's. We'll do a couple of Bloody's. Of course you would call it that no that's weird.


No, no, no, no, no, no, that's what do you say that's like a Bloody Mary?


Yes, that's what it's called a Bloody Mary Ah okay, I don't know, I think you give me a no, no no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, look three listeners. We said that to me today, which is like another Bloody. I'd like another Bloody sir.


Yeah, it's because he was done talking to you. He was trying to gross you out, so you'd leave.


Really, really.


Yes, I think that's what it is. No one calls it a bloody. That's weird. Everybody calls it a bloody.


Are you in the bloody married community? All I see right now. You're seasonal, You're drinking. I'll bet you a dollar. You either had a Christmas sale or two already. I know you've had it. What are you drinking over there?


I am drinking a thirsty dog Christmas sale Thirsty dogs winning all the tastings this year Much better than the Great Lakes this year.


Oh, is it really so? Thirsty dogs pretty solid. I remember that in my Cleveland Ohio days. But Christmas sale is a much bigger thing out there than it is here. I mean especially here in Bellingham Washington, the hometown. There's a lot of beer, a lot of beer, and you go into any beer place, any brewery, whatever it's an IPA. They'll have five IPAs, maybe a seasonal something and a logger just in case.


Yeah, dude, I went through a long time of only drinking IPAs, but I dig these Christmas sales in October fast, and even some of the pumpkin ales. There's a ton of beer here, but I don't know. I love it.


Well, you know they're there in the CLE. I mean, you know you love your beer. I think it's a little bit different out here. I think it's a little grittier out there here. It's I don't know, it's a little more. It's not better, it's not better or worse, it's just. It's just different. It's just very IPA based. Just a little less talkative a little less social, a lot of stare into the beer.


Yeah, it's a little different.


Well there, I mean, if you're drinking your Christmas crack over there, you know, just takes a good. You have a third Christmas sale and you're, you're, you're starting to fight or starting I love you, man. I mean that's how that works out there. I mean, I've had the Christmas crack. It's almost like doing an Irish car bomb. You have one, you're festive, you have two. All right, we're setting the tone here. Third one boom, there's trouble. Someone's going down hard. They're either going to get punched in the face, they're going to swing at somebody and then just drop. I mean it's going to be ugly. And that's how I look at the Christmas sale.


You get three or four Christmas sales Police blotter Easy, absolutely easily.


Maybe. No, you know what. I'm not going to lie. I haven't been in a police blotter in a long time, though.


Yeah, it's been a while here too. I mean, you know you got to keep it real, you got to keep it on the road here, but you know the straight and narrow, the easy life, you know. But Looking forward to the holiday break, definitely it's so funny that we piled on our podcast. Going into a holiday break is like if there ever there was a time where I just needed to exhale it's, it's, it's now.


This is a heck of a busy year. This is perfect, though we're going to test drive it over the holidays. Nobody's going to listen. I mean, we've got our solid three listeners right. I don't have anybody over here who's listening and he's not on this show, so his family's not going to listen to this one. It'll give us some time to to get used to the video editing and doing all the things and all that stuff that I'm going to do.


I don't know what you're going to do.


Yeah, what's good when I hit? Stop recording. What are you doing tonight?


Well, I'm probably going to go out and knock a few back again. It's research. You know you got to be with the people. You can't tell relatable stories, you can't live the life on the air and then not live amongst the people.


So tell me the truth. Do you write that stuff off? Do you write that stuff off? You try.


You sure it's, it's just too tough, though. You know, when you, when you try to write it off with the broadcast outlet and you're like, hey, just so you know, I was out doing research. Well, I see, what were you researching? Ipas, all the different breweries, or what were you researching here? You doing a travel piece? Are you doing a staycation piece on beers of our city? Something like that? You know I had to laugh too. Here we have a podcast three guys in three cities, and normally obviously Andy's here and I've been normally in Seattle and you've been in Cleveland, and Andy and Grand Rapids, michigan. I'm now, as we're three guys in three cities technically tonight, two guys in two cities, I'm one guy in two cities. In my real life. I'm living in Seattle and Bellingham simultaneously while hosting two shows in one of the cities.


How far apart are the Seattle and Bellingham like from from your old house to your new house?


Right now I'm sitting 81 miles from my radio station that I'm currently doing the podcast from to the downtown Seattle condo, right on the waterfront.


So that is ridiculous. It is so when you drive back and forth do you throw, like, do you throw Nav on Waze or whatever nav you? Have for, like you know cops and traffic and all that stuff.


Yeah, you don't say the cop thing isn't as big of a deal because the traffic is just so bad up and down the I five corridor, lincoln, the two cities together, basically I'm just I'm up near the Canadian border, I'm 50 miles from downtown Vancouver and obviously there's a border there. But but that journey from here all the way down to Seattle, to coma, basically Portland, I mean, if you can speed then you're living right, especially now with the holiday. There's no way. Tomorrow I'm going to drive, I'm going to wake up early in the morning tomorrow and I'm going to drive down to Seattle and turn around and come right back.


So you, so you're going to, you're going to put on your nav right. Do you use ways or use a different one?


I use the ways. I think ways is the best one I do.


I think is it worth it because, like I'm a I'm a ways guy, like I turn on ways all the time, but for me it's usually like it's just my commute and I'm I'm looking for cops, right? So, like, thank you to everyone who points out speed traps on ways, I'm looking for cops, sometimes traffic, but honestly I'm mostly just trying to avoid a ticket.


I'm trying to work and then get home Like I was on a big road trip and it sent me a few times, you know, told you there's an accident up ahead. It had me like get off the freeway in Virginia, which is like around the Beltway and down through Virginia, virginia Beach, like trying to get from that is. That's kind of wacky too, and it's. It had me get off the freeway and like drive down legit right along the shore like a bunch of condos drive down here and then get back on the freeway somewhere else and then go down the tunnel Like is that worth it? Does that work for you up there?


Well, I'll be honest with you. You know you're looking for cops with the ways. I'm just looking for someone to talk to me.


You know, just do you make it different ways.


Yeah, just any voice. Any voice I'll talk to. I'll talk to Siri. Hey, siri, what's up for the holiday? And then she'll give me a turkey tip or something I don't know.


Just anybody. I was riding with somebody and he, he, he drove and he plugged his phone in instead of buying. And it was Christina Aguilera telling him where to go and I was like why, why do you have that? And he's like man, she's hot. And I was like I mean sure. But you know it's time for that.


It's so funny that you say that, because I got a new iPhone and I didn't realize I, my mother, was born in Belfast, ireland, and so you know total Irish roots here. She didn't leave there, I mean, she grew up there and the whole thing. So she's got an accent and so I thought, you know, I'm going to stay true to my roots. Why not? Why have the generic voice? I'm going to do, I'm going to do Irish, and all of a sudden it says different things and now I have to use accent or mispronounced words in in in my accent. And do I have to do the Irish accent just to talk to something?


Like I had a friend named Jamie, but it spelled without the E so I might call Jamie. There's no Jamie in your, in your context. I'm like there, it really are you kidding me? I'm swearing, and it basically reacts to you swearing and then I'm like and then I have to say, called jammy and it's Jamie without the. He called jammy and I'm literally like I'm a grown man Mispronouncing something on purpose so I can make a phone call.


That's what yeah, that's awesome. My, my youngest daughter, watches bluey, and I don't know if you're familiar with bluey, because you are super old and your daughter's much older.


You know we talked to a lot, of a lot of moms on this show.


I Mean alright, I'm in, I'm one of them, I'm, I am one with the moms. So we're watching bluey and like the kids are into it and obviously, like my youngest is five, so like Molly is is right there like prime bluey viewing and she likes it, I like it. I think it's cool show. We could, we could do a whole show on how much I like bluey. But now she pronounces things in an Australian accent. So like Things, she like. She says Possell instead of parcel. Like she doesn't do. It is Unreal. Like we're in the store and she's asking me for these bluey toys and I don't know the words that she's saying, and she's like no, it's right here. And she grabs it. I'm like, oh, that's his parcel. No, it doesn't, that's Possell, it's not the case, it is parcel. I promise. And she does not believe me.


I don't know how preschools going by the way.


That's hilarious. You know. You're totally reminding me a story about my mom and this is a true story. So you know, I'm in 11th grade, I'm a junior at my high school here in Bellingham, see-home High School and I was telling someone and this is back when we used to put film in a camera and I was in some photography class- Was it color-like?


Was that, was it color film?


It's just yeah just like you get the little cylinder thing, I stick the film in the camera.


Oh, I'm just excited it wasn't black and white.


No, no, we were making a talkie back in the day it was. It was in the era of Charlie Chaplin, you might remember. No, so I literally was. I had a photography class and I was talking to somebody and I said I kind of get some more film for my Camera. And they said I'm sorry, what? I Need? To get some more film for my camera.


Why did you say that?


What Wait film? Why would you it's film? I said no, it's film, I need to get film for my kid. They like spell that F, I, l, m, film, film. And there he is, like what? And it turns out I did not know my mother Bellfast Ireland accent she would put film in a camera and I'm so that's what I said. I didn't know that until high school. How embarrassing is that film.


So very embarrassing. What other shit did you mispronounce?


Well, that's the thing I didn't know. My mom had an accent, I Didn't. I just heard her say random, weird. You don't hear it that way when this is what you grow up with, right.


Yeah, but you had teachers who weren't in Ireland so.


But so she says everything normal. But like my mother and my father, they moved down to California when the rich people drive around, and they were down in Palm Springs. They drive around in those rolls Rouses, that whole tomato, tomato, potato, but it's like that that that got real. I thought that was a cute little joke and but that's all real.


Look, all that other shit is like funny accent. Stuff rolls Rouses is just you can't read.


It's a Rolls Rouse. It's a Rolls Rouse, that's what she said. I'm serious, the best story that she tells. My mother, when she was 24 years old, move from Bellfast, ireland, to Vancouver, canada. I was born in Vancouver. She moved. She's 20, 23, 24 years old and she goes to the Frazier Arms Hotel heart of downtown Vancouver. Irish accent. Now I know this is awkward. Well, my mom back in the day she was a hottie.


I'm sure I can back it up.


She, she looks like a young Elizabeth Taylor. I literally could convince you of that. So she goes up to the, the guy at the front desk, and she says excuse me, can you knock me up at 7? And and the guys like, I'm sorry, you want me to knock you up tomorrow morning. Possibly what that's. You knock someone up. It's a wake-up call. Basically you knock. If you needed a wake-up call I'd knock you up. She's hope the Belman is sitting there going. You, I'm sorry, do what for an Irish thing.


That's what we would call it nowadays knock me up.


Well, wow, so what?


else. No wait, no, we totally tangented, though I wanted to know whether ways actually works for you, because you started. Telling us some story about your mom getting knocked up at a hotel. That's like I Mean, which happens right. There's nothing wrong with that. I've that's a goal.


Here's the thing All right, so that the ways out, there are times I literally the the condor that we live in in Seattle is right on the waterfront. So if you're gonna go out to I5 you're like a mile, mile and a half from the highway and so you got a kind of zigzag through the things. Every I know how to get to the freeway. The funny thing about getting to I5 and it's just right over yonder, you get in your car, you can look past a couple, you can see it right, and so every time I get in the car and I plug in, like you know, go to this city.


I got to go to the I5 and then head north and it takes me a different way every time because of the traffic. There was one time where it took me way down south, past the stadiums, way back across down a side street over, and I'm like no way. And what it did was it found the quickest way to get me to an express lane and when I got on that express lane and it was smooth sailing, I drove, drove by literally Thousands of cars. Seattle traffic is amongst the worst in the country.


So I was swear by the Waze app all day.


Well, that's what I was gonna ask because, like, obviously it it sees some, some data and it tells you to do a thing. But is it right? So you're telling me that it's right all the time. So when I was on, like when I was on 60, I think it was like 64 Go into the tunnel to go to Virginia Beach, and it told me to to get off of the freeway and go down to where all the I mean 35 Airbnb condos and then get back on the freeway right before the construction started, or in the construction To get to the tunnel, which, by the way, I mean holy shit, if any of our three listeners are from the Virginia area, what? What are they building there? Great question, yeah, but uh, so it made me do that and you're telling me that you know that that saved me time.


You probably bypassed some kind of traffic situation. You probably did something and and it was a quicker way. I've seen it done in my. The only time that gets goofy is when you get into like a like. If you're in LA, for example, and you're going around, you know those, you're under freeways, that it's twisting around I'll next thing you know what things. You're exiting at Alameda and you're not. You're just on going underneath the exit to that road and it'll get all screwed up but it's not affecting you really you.


Well, I'm not. I'm not quite as wealthy as you, so I'm not really familiar with the Los Angeles like Roads and bridges and everything, if if you want any idea of where my wealth status is. The last time that GPS navigation got me in trouble involving bridges it was in Pittsburgh, a little different from Los Angeles a little bit.


Well, west Coast man, west Coast, I totally get that. You know, here it's kind of strange because in Seattle the, the city just keeps growing and growing but there's no way to expand it. We've widened a couple of bridges the I-90 and the 520 bridges over Lake Washington, the bridge kind of basically Seattle to Bellevue on the east side. They've widened those but because of the terrain here, all the hilly terrain, I mean picture with San Francisco is like this is a smaller version of it, but still all the hills, you can't, you can't really do anything.


It's so funny. I'm just like I'm a guy in a basement in the Midwest and you're like log of pictures, san Francisco. It's just like that. Sure, let me Google a picture of it.


Well, you know again, it's not like I'm that worldly. I mean, just because you're a friggin Hermit over there, that doesn't mean that the rest of the world is, you know again. So I've been to some West Coast cities. I, I travel around, I've been on the road, I've lived in seven states. Work with me here.


Look, look, man, cedar point. That that's my big West Coast vacation. I it's right on the lake, I got water, I got a beach, I got roller coasters expensive.


You're playing small ball, I mean, and you're choosing, you're choosing to. That's fine. You got a family, I get it, you're doing great. You know, I, we're empty nesters now and so we got to find things to do is like, hey, it's 10 hours to San Francisco, it's three hours to Portland. It's an hour and 47 minutes to Seattle. It's a. It's an hour and 10 if you can get across the border without any trouble. Going up to Vancouver, canada, you know.


That's, you have a, have a. You could have a couple more kids and really really like feel what it, what it's like for a millennial To struggle through this world.


Well, dad, yeah, yeah, I have a couple more kids. You got to be able to work on a couple of processes that seem to be dormant, so Are you?


are you telling us?


something. Well, see, that's the whole thing. I was hoping Andy would be on this show, since he has so many kids he's, after all the years of marriage, the fact that he can live the lifestyle he lives. I mean and, and, and to be a big guy. I can relate to this.


But you know you can get that medicine. You get that medicine online now, man, you don't. You don't have to like turn it into your insurance. It's pretty anonymous. It comes in a brown paper bag.


Well, I know, this is, this is the thing. The only time I spend online, I'm talking to you. That's kind of a problem, just some links.


I got a.


A link in the chat. Would you a link in the chat? Well, I get, we'll get through this together.


Look man, we got like five minutes left. Are we gonna do any content? That's not content.


That's real flip in life. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're talking I mean, first of all, to be a middle-aged guy having kids. Let's just take, take that out of the picture. The process is fine, you know, hey, I'll help somebody else and just, I don't want to meet the kids. But you know, I Don't even know what we're talking about. I thought this was a test run that nobody was gonna hear.


Oh, somebody's gonna hear it now. Oh, my god. Hi, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're gonna have to run a crane from Home Depot to get an erection.


I Don't even know. I don't even know what you're saying. So, anyway, yeah, so things are good, we're gonna get the podcast up and rolling and he'll be back on. He's traveling because of the holiday, of course, but this is kind of a bit of a dry run, with a heavy emphasis on dry, and no, I'm getting drunk. I've got content wise.


Yes, maybe that's why it's bad drunk anymore.


We don't. We don't use the term drunk anymore, we say liquored up. We have a new feature on our show. You'll get a kick out of this. On Fridays on our morning show we do a feature Call a little kid or liquored up. You tell a story. And then you got to tell you tell a story, to say hey. So there I was, I was on a scooter and I was going down this really steep, steep hill and I was chasing after a girl and I hit a rock, I flipped and I broke an arm. Was I a little kid? Was I liquored up?


and it was a fun story. You have to guess so I'm voting liquored up for that because I, because I have a nine-year-old who has those little razor Scooters and I have tried to ride them around the neighborhood and that shit is not easy for an old man.


Exactly so we should maybe try this. We should probably do this on our podcast with just us, because I'm sure we have plenty of stories when we've had maybe a few too many cocktails. We certainly have had adventurous childhoods, I know that.


We're gonna have to wait and tell those stories when Andy's here, because we need someone to be good. We'd like we need a good person.


It can't tell it an Irish accent.


Right, yeah, he'll probably knock somebody up in a hotel room.


That's exactly right way to bring my mom back into play. That's good, all right. I'm trying to try mom into play there, while you're talking about sending me some discrete links, while we're talking about getting liquored up and telling stories of Andy, this podcast and this is just the dry run.